Synchronizing and Backup
In order to synchronize or backup your information, you need an internet connection and to be signed in with a validated account.
What information is synched and backed up?
We store your Goals, Folders, and tasks like Notes and To Dos, as well as a few of your app preferences that make sense to carry over between your devices.
We create a unique identifier for each device you sync with to identify them and distinguish them from one another. We do not sync, send, or store your device ID. We do not send your password in an unencrypted format, but instead send a hash (somewhat like a fingerprint) across the internet. Your actual password will not be accessible on the server or by anyone.
You will receive an email from asking you to confirm your email address. This is to assure that you have a valid account, and that in case you lose a mobile device you can disable access from that device. You information will not be distributed to third parties. You may receive update emails on new products being made by.alloyTasks, as well as new features available for your product. The purpose of this business is to make great mobile products to make your life happier and easier. We will not spam you. You can always visit and asked to be removed from all mailings, and we will no longer notify you of any new products. In 2009/2010, so far we have sent 1 mailing, so you should expect the frequency to be very light at best.