Application Design and Overview
Pause - Deferring your tasks
The Pause feature allows you to defer whole folders, goals, or even individual tasks until you are ready to work on them at a later date. You can defer items indefinitely. You can select goals or folders that are in an undeveloped state and keep their contents off your To Dolist. You can also pausefolders of notes or other important information and keep them from cluttering up your busy To Do list.
When an item is in the pause state, it is completely inactive. Due dates, alarms, recurring events, and other notifications will not take place and the item will not show up on your To Do list. When you later return the item to the active state, due dates, alarms, and notifications will resume normally and the item will once again show up on your To Do list.
Pausing Folders and Goals
When you pause container objects like folders or goals, you pause the items contained within it. All of the items inside that folder and their subfolders will likewise be paused.
Setting Pause on an item ignores Pause changes from the parent folders
When you change the pause state of an item, the app remembers the preference for that item and changes to any parent folder do not affect the pause state of that item or items it contains. If you set an item to pause, and then later change the parent to be paused or active, the item you initially paused will still remain paused (even if you move it to another folder) until you once again change the pause of that original item.
This memory effect is a convenience if you decide to pause entire goals (like a book idea), but then remove the pause and make active items or folders inside the goals (calling people, attending meetings). You can later decide to temporarily make the entire goal active when you wish to spend some time on the project, and then once again pause that goal when you are done. The original tasks and folders you marked as being active for your book idea will still be active just like before.
If you ever change the pause of an item to match the parent folder (for instance if the parent folder is paused and you edit an item inside it to also be paused), the app will understand this to mean that you no longer wish to make an exception of this item, and it will once again match whatever pause state the parent folder is in.